Saturday, September 29, 2007

its really upsetting

that my term break is over.. it means exams are just round the corner *peeks hesitantly but i shall look forward to it being over cause that means i get to go home! ((:

my dent (*cough alcoholics) friends joined a winery tour to barossa valley and lets just say they didnt come back very sober. me and chinhowe met two of them jon and joe for dinner and dinghao.

and since joe was in the mood for more drinks we went to escobar, this new and posh bar where they actually have a formal dress code.

their menu: just had to start snapping away.

their cabinet of poisons

joe posing on his royal chair

went to check out their toilet: it was pretty (:

we each had a cocktail except joe. who had two. that's my strawberry daiquiri ( i insisted on it even though it wasnt on the menu and it tasted like strawberry jam eew ) and chin howe's rose royce martini. sounds nice but tasted erm not very nice.
joe's toblerone was good though. but i now have this adverse reaction to liquor taste so i didnt like it that much.

there you go: joe and his cocktails

our drinks: i cldnt stop taking photos haha.

jon pulled over another royal chair and settled in comfortably.

and that's me settling in comfortably too.
its a nice place to visit though i dont think we shld attempt going back anytime soon. aranan stole the thingie that they use to put the bill in so they need some time to forget us!
and last night, being very domesticated, we made lasagne.

the beef sauce that goes into the lasagne

alison's baking tin

the first layer of meat sauce

followed by the baking sheets (the first layer was kinda ugly so i took the nxt layer instead) and cheese. me, alison and cory had fun putting in the mozarella, cheddar and parmesan cheeses (:

ah the baking sheets (:

last layer of meat sauce before the cheese goes on

and tada! after abt 40 mins in the oven: our very own lasagne!

*smug face me and alison felt rather proud of ourselves we realised that we're good cooking buddies! (:
i just had yumcha with lyn, jon, chinhowe, eugene and teck and im feeling very satisfied and sleepy. so i might just nap for awhile for doing work :p
maybe i'll actually be a domestic goddess when i go home. i just need a genie to clean up the mess that i make help me. any takers? *flutters eyelashes*


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